What Is Metabolic Detoxification?
Each year, more than 4 billion pounds of chemical compounds are released into the environment. A growing body of literature suggests an association between toxicant exposure and the etiology of a number of chronic conditions, such as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), fibromyalgia (FM), and atherosclerosis. Symptoms including unremitting and debilitating fatigue, myalgias, arthralgias, and cognitive dysfunction are common amongst these syndromes. Associations between environmental toxicant exposure and the development of many other chronic degenerative diseases have been reported as well.

Although the body is designed to naturally process and excrete these elements, an abundance of environmental agents combined with poor diet and nutrition can lead to an overburdened system. Metabolic detoxification helps by providing advanced, targeted nutrition to support the elimination of unwanted chemicals from your system.
The Dynamic Detox 28-Day Program is a comprehensive nutritional plan designed to “reboot” your body and get you back on track to feeling healthier and more energized. While many “detox” protocols are convoluted and hard to follow, this program features a step-by-step game plan for every day, including exactly what to eat, what to drink, and how to properly use Dynamic Detox and Detox Support capsules for optimal efficacy and results.
Who Should Complete the Dynamic Detox 28-Day Program?
Over time, toxin build-up, stress, and inactivity can be detrimental to health and longevity.
As such, this program is ideal for individuals who are trying to kickstart a weight loss journey, women who experience heavy and painful periods, individuals that consume a diet containing heavily processed foods and/or a diet that lacks sufficient plant-based nutrients, as well as those who experience chronic stress or have a sedentary lifestyle.
By following this program, you will support your body’s natural metabolic detoxification processes (which in turn encourage alkalinity) while providing ample fuel for both cleansing and other daily activities, thereby promoting overall well-being.
Components include:
* 28 Day Dynamic Detox Kit includes - 3 Containers of Detox Powder: A delicious clinical-grade food supplement containing a comprehensive spectrum of essential micronutrients, cofactors, fatty acids, amino acids, and dietary fiber for advanced support of phase I, phase II, and phase III detoxification pathways in your body. For optimal tolerability, this formula is gluten-free, non-GMO, naturally sweetened, and has a low allergy potential.
* Detox Support Bottle - One 126-capsule bottle Provides micronutrients, essential precursors, cofactors, herbal extracts, and amino acids that support the liver and other vital organs involved in the detoxification process.
* Program Brochure - Detailed program brochure which outlines what to eat, when to take your supplements and walks you through the 28 day process.
* Free Shaker cup

* Vitamin D3/K2 5,000 - 60 capsules of Vitamin D3 which plays a significant role in regulating immune function and reducing inflammation. It also supports liver function and plays a significant role in detoxification and protection from environmental toxins. Regular Price: $22.25

* PRM Resolve - 60 capsules supply of PRMs which offer a multifunctional approach to promote a healthy response to physical stress and support challenges that the body may face. Pro-resolving mediators play a key role in resolving a healthy immune response by regulating cellular activities. Powerful anti-inflammatory benefits have been well documented in research.

* Fruits & Greens - 20 servings of vegetables & fruits in each scoop of this easy to blend powder adds fun flavor, probiotic support and synergistic vitamin and phytonutrient content to each detox shake. This powerful blend of 100% vegetable and fruit extracts adds anti-oxidants, plant lignans and symbiotic intestinal flora to your daily program. This blend supports your natural energy production, metabolism, fat-burning, digestion, detoxification, repair, recovery and revitalization.