Chia seeds are an excellent source of protein, fiber, calcium, polyunsaturated fats (such as omega-3 fatty acids), phosphorus and zinc. As a matter of fact, chia seeds have the highest amount of omega-3 fatty acids of any plant!
I am always looking for interesting and delicious ways to use chia seeds in my meals. Eating chia seeds as part of your breakfast can reduce cardiovascular risk due to their soluble fiber content. Chia can also help you stay feeling full for longer periods of time since they slow down digestion - this also helps maintain healthy blood sugar balance and prevents fluctuations of blood glucose levels.
Walnuts are powerfully nutritious as an excellent source of polyunsaturated fats, phosphorus, protein, potassium and folate. the phytochemical in walnuts can help protect the brain from oxidative stress. Walnuts may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and improve cholesterol levels. Finally - walnuts help improve the microbiome by supporting healthy levels of butyrate producing bacteria.
Eating a breakfast that is high fiber and high in protein can result in feeling full for a longer period of time while allowing for a reduction in calorie intake. Often foods that are high fiber and protein will be lower in carbohydrates and overall calories. This means that a high fiber and protein breakfast can actually help you lose weight and not feel hungry in the process!!
Green bananas are a source of resistant starch - meaning they feed the microbiome in your large intestine. A banana is considered "green" as long as it retains green color on the ends. The center of the banana can be yellow - just no dark spots.
Please be mindful that chia seeds slow digestion. If you are diagnosed with a digestive disorder, it is recommended that you avoid chia seeds or start by eating a small amount of chia initially and limit your consumption at a single sitting. Also, chia seeds absorb liquid. It is beneficial to drink plenty of fluids when eating chia seeds in order to allow them to easily pass through your digestive system.

Here's my recipe for banana chia breakfast cereal:
3 tbsp chia seeds
3/4 cup nondairy milk (I prefer coconut, but have fun!)
1 - 2 tsp date syrup (to taste)
1/4 - 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup walnuts
1/2 green banana (may be yellow in the middle but still retains some green on the ends)
Mix chia seeds, date syrup and milk in a bowl and let sit for 5-10 minutes. Store in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.
Add walnuts and cinnamon
Garnish with sliced bananas
Feel free to add any fresh or frozen organic berries or mangoes